How to name your online concert is the question
As a company providing tools for musicians to set up, ticket, and stream their online concerts, showcases, livestream shows, and other music events, we’ve noticed a trend with such DIY events — not all of them have the best titles.
A title is what makes an event special, memorable and that’s how it will go down in history. Sure, your online stream might not seem like a big deal, but with just a little more work, you can turn in into a full-blown concert.
And an integral part of that is the name.
We’ve looked for the best tips on crafting a great show name for your online music event, and here they are.
Read the full blog with screenshots and examples here
1. Go the obvious route
Name your event in a descriptive way to let your fans know what exactly they are in for: live guitar showcase on my porch, live free single premiere, 90s throwback potpourri, etc.
2. Watch the length
Your show title will be featured on your posters, your social media promo posts, email subjects… Be mindful of the length and keep it short, whenever possible.
3. Pun intended
If your brand voice allows it, have some fun with your event name — our favorite is The Show Mask Go On by Dalton Gamao — and use puns and wordplay to spice things up.
4. Alternat1v3 spe11in9
If you followed rule #2 and kept your show title short (or very short), feel free to make it more fun by throwing in some alternative spelling to make the name memorable and a standout.
5. Talk about your key attraction
If your show is taking place at a popular location, has a star guest, or feature a rare instrument, consider including them in the title!
6. It’s ONLINE
Sure, most of the live events are online right now, but it still won’t hurt to add “online” or “livestream” to your title, especially if it coincides with your album or single name.
7. Be a tease
Take notes from Nirvana who titled their 1973 album Houses of Holy after a track they only released in their next album in 1975. Name your show after an upcoming single, but keep it a secret until the event itself;)
8. Follow the theme
If your show revolves around a specific theme, it’s a must to indicate that in your show title.
Curious about our 9 & 10? Check them out in the full blog post on our blog here + bonus screenshots with examples for the tips we’ve listed!
Feel like creating an online concert yourself? Do it on Show4me.