How often to host online concerts if you are a mid-range musician?
It’s the question many are asking. Not hosting an online show at all does not seem like the choice most musicians would be wise to make. But overplaying your audience, especially if you are playing repetitive sets at the same time every day or week and/or if you have a small repertoire might be a big mistake.
Read on to find out exactly how often to host your online concerts.
The first factor to consider when playing an online show and deciding when to hold your next is your fanbase. Are they very different people with varying tastes who live in a number of dissimilar places and have really different schedules?
Then you should definitely create events for each group of your fans and tailor those to their interests, schedules and time zones.
This material is based on this blog post of ours so please check it out for the full info and to support our SEO:) Thanks!
Next, let’s take your repertoire and your creative ideas — do you have many songs to play? Is it possible for you to play many shows with playlists that don’t overlap? Do you have a well of ideas for the concept of your online show? Can you make each event unique and centered on an exciting topic? (And do you have the budget for costumes and sets to make your shows look very different and new each time?)
Another thing to consider is the reception of your first (or second, third, etc.) online show. Did your fans snatch the tickets fast enough and asked you to play more shows like this after the event? Have you received messages asking you to play this or that song or some suggestions on the topic of your next show?
The more yeses you have when answering all of the above questions, the more online shows you should add into your calendar.
And our final point — partnerships — is covered in the original blog post on our blog here. It discusses how different kinds of partnerships can help you reach new audiences and allow to play more shows than you otherwise would be advised to.