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Followers vs super fans: Kevin Thrasher from Escape The Fate creates his Artist club on Show4me

Show4me Music Interaction Network
4 min readMay 29, 2019


You’ve all probably heard “You were always on my mind” hit love song written by Johnny Christopher, Mark James, and Wayne Carson. The song has 300 recorded releases in different versions and was performed by an uncountable number of artists including Elvis Presley and John Wesley Ryles. The name of the song made us wonder…

Who is always on the artist’s mind? There is someone who every artist always has on their mind. True Fan…

Your true fans can be your family members, your close friends, acquaintances or people you’ve never met who simply like your music. As an artist, you have so many questions concerning this particular and highly important group of people: Who are my true fans? How do I reach out to them? How do I build my global fan base? How do I do it in 2019? Would the same principle that used to work so well for so many artists still work for me? How to get the real numbers on my true fans since I get paid per streams and don’t really know who my true fans are? The list is endless.

Why does every artist ask those questions? Because true fans — are the ones you are creating your music for! They are always on your mind. So, let’s answer those questions together and see how building your fan base of true fans is possible and what technologies are available to help you with that in the currently present digital age.

Who? — Define Your True Fans

The absolute most important step in building your fan base in 2019 is to identify your target audience or speaking in more common language — to define your true fans. It is essential to connect to your real fans simply because they are the life source to your music. They are the ones coming to your concerts, buying tickets to your live events, buying merch or albums. Only true fans believe in you, invest in you and support you all the way through your music career.

Your sound, image, and brand must resonate with your own community of true fans, they are your target audience. When building a fan base, you want to focus on them entirely not on those who heard your song by accident because it happened to appear in their playlist. Now the question is: Where can you constantly engage and interact with all your true fans in a meaningful way considering booming popularity of streaming services and myriads of social media platforms?

Where? — Create Your Artist club

Take advantage of the digitalization and technological advancement that is happening in the music industry and make it work for you. The old ways don’t work anymore! Remember what is “The New Black” for the artists from the previous article? — The Artist club, your Fan base accumulated on a single network.

Artist club on Show4me changes the way music is delivered from musicians to fans, the way it is being consumed and the way artists get paid for their music. Artist club is based on a ground-breaking $1 Premium Fan Subscription model, where artists do not just get up to 300 times higher income compared to music streaming, but most importantly — have all their true fans gathered in one place, which makes it so much simpler to communicate and interact with them, co-create music projects and organize concerts together. They are not just your ‘followers’ or ‘likes’ — they are real fans who give your music and your personality undivided attention and appreciation.

You can see below the full guide on How to create an Artist club on Show4me from lead guitarist Kevin Thrasher, Escape The Fate American rock band.

One more great thing that you get in your Artist club is what makes so many businesses around the world truly successful — INFORMATION. As someone once said, in today’s sharing economy the most popular taxi company doesn’t own a single car, and the biggest hotel chain in the world — doesn’t own a single hotel… What do they own? — Information!

Same applies to your music business. Information is what helps you to succeed today. Your Artist club gives you detailed stats on your fans, which you can use to estimate and calculate ticket sales, see full geography. This helps you to wisely schedule your touring, gives you precise numbers of active, successful campaigns and albums sold.

You have your target audience defined, you have the single place for your global fanbase, written some great songs, the image is on point, to go along with all of this. What is next? — Engagement!

How? — Engage with your Global Fanbase

It is important to use all the tools available to keep your fans constantly engaged and connected with you. Also, make an effort and invest your time in building those relationships with your fans. Share your latest news and personal thoughts, create good quality and exclusive content, run concert and music crowdfunding campaign teaming up with them. Don’t spam, but rather engage them by having an actual conversation. By doing that, you have a leg up on the competition.

Building a fan base is always going to take time and dedication. Thanks for all the tools and technological opportunities that exist in 2019 for us artists. Building your global fan base online today can be done when executed properly and it is likely to turn into other opportunities for you: tours, music sales, merch sales, endorsements, etc. This process begins with identifying your target audience, your true fans, and finding ways and tools like Artist club to continually connect and interact with them.

Escape The Fate rock band and thousands of other artists are already benefiting from having their Artist clubs on Show4me.

Want to be the next one?

Click here to discover Show4me and create your Artist club.



Show4me Music Interaction Network
Show4me Music Interaction Network

Written by Show4me Music Interaction Network

Show4me is a global music interaction network for musicians, music lovers, as well as record labels, concert promoters & other music industry pros.

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