A Day In The Life of DIY Musician: How to Organize a Concert?
Musicians and their fans are oftentimes separated from each other with Narrow Sea similar to the one of Westeros, and many consider it impossible to overcome. To cross the water, the music industry requires musicians to have massive ships, submarines or even dragons. But when you are an indie or DIY musician, all you have is just your little boat with the simple name “DREAM”. And here the storm comes, trying to stop that boat form living up to its name. The managerial, financial burden and live event risks make a musician’s head spin. All those fears start rushing in… What if nobody comes? What if the expenses are not covered? What if I’m not good enough? Can I handle it?
The truth is, that even fans who generously like your posts on social media or actively follow you do not guarantee their presence at the concert and profit from the events.
The conventional and complicated schemes of concert organization still remain mysterious for the emerging talented musicians as many simply do not know how to bring their music out there to the wider audience of fans or how to organize a concert that will not leave you in debt or completely empty-handed.
The good news is that you can get your ship upgraded and ready to cross that sea with no risks or losses. Let me introduce you to Concert Crowdfunding. One way to try the concert crowdfunding is to organize a concert on Show4me Music Interaction Network. All you need is to create an Artist Club and follow some simple steps.
Create the event campaign
Show4me music interaction network provides the ability to arrange events without the need to invest any personal expenses. When the tickets pre-sale is launched with 40% discount, the artists can analyze the response of the audience. On the initial stage of the campaign, the artists establish contact with the fans to share the vision of the future event, post photos and videos of the preparation process and share your dream with them. These steps are essential for effective artist promotion, no matter whether you are an up-and-coming or a well-known artist.
Set the Confirmation Point
One of the most essential elements of a campaign is planning the amount of money needed to organize a concert. Then you set yourself the Confirmation Point. The fans pledge for the tickets, and as soon as the expenses are covered, the show is confirmed. You set the date of the show and sells the rest of the tickets at the full price!
Set the deadline
Each campaign has a limited period to sell tickets. If the needed amount has not been reached, the fans get their money back, and the organizer of the concert does not bear any financial losses. You can analyze the demand with real money that the fans are more than ready to pay.
Engage & Interact with your audience
With every campaign, you have the ability to engage your audience and grow your fan base through direct interaction and the use of Show4me analytics. Even if the confirmation point has not been reached, the artist receives a piece of priceless information regarding the creation of the campaign. Show4me is a simple and effective way to research your audience organizing successful and profitable shows.
Show4me Interaction Network lets you launch as many campaigns as you want. Get close to your audience, your own fan community and make your music heard. Ready to cross the sea? Your future is waiting…
Try out the Show4me.
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